Jordan Lowe's profile

The Willow Cycle

The Willow Cycle

This competition was created by Iggesund and Brief cases. The idea was to create an info-graphic about the willow cycle and highlight all of the benefits from planting willow. The concept behind this info-graphic is to persuade farmers and landowners to give up a section of their land to help the environment and grow their own income in the process. I decided that a physical publication would be more beneficial for this project as I believe that farmers and land owners would appreciate something personal. The idea was to create something that could become a keepsake. For the final outcome I created a hand-crafted concertina leaflet using a delicate paper cut style. This was a great way to express the willow cycle in detail. The colours represent the authenticity of sustainability and nature.

Competition Winner

As a reward for this project I received a highly commended certificate and a trip to the Iggesund paper mill in Workington. Whilst on this trip I got to visit the forest where the trees are cut down and replanted. I also got a chance to speak to their team and witness how the paper is economicly developed. This trip was really inspiring and has impacted on my creative practice. It made me realise that you should always try to work for something you believe in. 

Thanks for looking! 
Find out more > @jlowegraphics
The Willow Cycle

The Willow Cycle
